<% Option Explicit %> <% '**************************************************************************************** '** Copyright Notice '** '** Web Wiz Guide - Web Wiz Mailing List '** '** Copyright 2001-2005 Bruce Corkhill All Rights Reserved. '** '** This program is free software; you can modify (at your own risk) any part of it '** under the terms of the License that accompanies this software and use it both '** privately and commercially. '** '** All copyright notices must remain in tacked in the scripts and the '** outputted HTML. '** '** You may use parts of this program in your own private work, but you may NOT '** redistribute, repackage, or sell the whole or any part of this program even '** if it is modified or reverse engineered in whole or in part without express '** permission from the author. '** '** You may not pass the whole or any part of this application off as your own work. '** '** All links to Web Wiz Guide and powered by logo's must remain unchanged and in place '** and must remain visible when the pages are viewed unless permission is first granted '** by the copyright holder. '** '** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, '** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER '** WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. '** '** You should have received a copy of the License along with this program; '** if not, write to:- Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom. '** '** '** No official support is available for this program but you may post support questions at: - '** http://www.webwizguide.info/forum '** '** Support questions are NOT answered by e-mail ever! '** '** For correspondence or non support questions contact: - '** info@webwizguide.info '** '** or at: - '** '** Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom '** '**************************************************************************************** 'Set the response buffer to true as we maybe redirecting Response.Buffer = True 'Declare variables Dim strUserName 'Holds the users username Dim strEmail 'Holds the users email Dim strPassword 'Holds the user password Dim blnAutoLogin 'Set to true if the user wants auto login Dim blnEmailFound 'Set to false if the email is not found Dim blnPasswordOK 'Set to false if the password is incorrect Dim strUserID 'Hold the users ID Dim strSaltValue 'Holds the salt value for password blnEmailFound = true blnPasswordOK = true 'Get the users email strEmail = characterStrip(Trim(Mid(LCase(Request.QueryString("email")), 1, 50))) 'See if this is a new subscriber If Request.QueryString("M") = "sub" Then 'Reset server objects Set rsCommon = Nothing adoCon.Close Set adoCon = Nothing 'Redierct to the users acc details Response.Redirect("sign_up.asp?email=" & strEmail) End If 'See if an auto login cookie is set 'Read in the users ID code strUserID = Trim(Mid(Request.Cookies("WWML")("UID"), 1, 22)) 'If a user ID is read in from the cookie then redirct to the manage centre If strUserID <> "" AND Request.Form("postBack") = false Then 'Clean up the USER ID address getting rid of unwanted characters strUserID = IDcharacterStrip(strUserID) 'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database strSQL = "SELECT " & strDbTable & "Members.Active, " & strDbTable & "Members.Email, " & strDbTable & "Members.HTMLformat " & _ "FROM " & strDbTable & "Members " & _ "WHERE " & strDbTable & "Members.ID_Code = '" & strUserID & "';" 'Query the database rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon 'If a record is returned redirect If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then 'Reset server objects rsCommon.Close Set rsCommon = Nothing adoCon.Close Set adoCon = Nothing 'Redierct to the users acc details Response.Redirect("management_centre.asp") End If 'Close the rs rsCommon.close End If 'If this is a post back then log the user in If Request.Form("postBack") Then 'Read in the form details strEmail = characterStrip(Request.Form("email")) strPassword = Request.Form("Password") blnAutoLogin = CBool(Request.Form("auto")) 'Get the details from the database strSQL = "SELECT " & strDbTable & "Members.Email, " & strDbTable & "Members.Password, " & strDbTable & "Members.Salt, " & strDbTable & "Members.ID_Code " & _ "FROM " & strDbTable & "Members " & _ "WHERE " & strDbTable & "Members.Email = '" & strEmail & "';" 'Query the database rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon 'If there is a record returned check the password If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then 'Read in the salt value strSaltValue = rsCommon("Salt") 'Encrypt the entered password If blnEncryptPasswords Then strPassword = HashEncode(strPassword & strSaltValue) 'If the password is OK then set a cookie and go to the persons acc prefernces If rsCommon("Password") = strPassword Then 'Get the user ID strUserID = rsCommon("ID_Code") 'Reset server objects rsCommon.Close Set rsCommon = Nothing adoCon.Close Set adoCon = Nothing 'Set a cookie if auto-login is selected If blnAutoLogin Then Response.Cookies("WWML")("UID") = strUserID Response.Cookies("WWML").Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now()) 'Set temp cookie Else Response.Cookies("WWML")("UID") = strUserID End If 'Redierct to the users acc details Response.Redirect("management_centre.asp") 'Else the password is wrong Else blnPasswordOK = false End If 'Else the email is incorrect Else blnEmailFound = false End If 'Close the recordset rsCommon.Close End If 'Reset server objects Set rsCommon = Nothing adoCon.Close Set adoCon = Nothing %> Mailing List: EIDS Newsletters
<% = strWebsiteName & "'s " & strTxtMailingListLogin %>
<% 'If there is a problem tell the user If blnEmailFound = false OR blnPasswordOK = false Then %>

<% = strTxtPleaseConfirmTheEmailAddressAndPasswordYouHaveEnteredAndTryAgainOr %> <% = strTxtClickhere %> <% = strTxtToSignupAsANewMember %>.
<% End If %>
<% = strTxtWelcomeTo & " " & strWebsiteName & " " & strTxtMailingList %> <% = strTxtExistingSubscribersPleaseLogin %>
<% = strTxtAsASubscriberYouWillAccessEmailNewsletters %>.
<% = strTxtYoullAlsoBeAbleTo %>:
<% = strTxtSigningUpIsQuickEasyAndFREE %>.
<% = strTxtJustClickTheButtonBelow %>.
<% = strTxtExistingSubscribersEnterYourLoginDetailsBelow %>
<% = strTxtCookiesEnabled %>

<% = strTxtEmail %>:
<% = strTxtPassword %>:
<% = strTxtForgottenYourPassword %>?
<% = strTxtAutoLogin %>: <% = strTxtYes %> <% = strTxtNo %>
<% Response.Write("

") '***** START WARNING - REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS CODE WILL VIOLATE THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ****** If blnLCode Then Response.Write("Powered by Web Wiz Mailing List version " & strVersion & "") Response.Write("